DIY AC generator
In every end there is a new beginning. Almost everything has its end but not all things ending has a new purposeful beginning. I thought my ceiling fan would follow the cycle and ends to trash. Its not the case, When it fails I bought a new fan and not throwing it immediately. While unintentionally rotating the new fan I got small tickle like electric shock. Then i remember something or learned something? What ever it is i realized that this kind of fan produces electricity. That's how this project started and turned the fate of old defective ceiling fan. . ​
I started by preparing some tools necessary to get started and materials. All the materials are trash and recycled including the magnetic wire,4 silicon diode and small capacitor which all comes from dead TV circuit board. I dismantled the old fan removed its cover. I extracted the rotor.The rotor is the middle part and its the rotating part of any motor but in ceiling fan it is the stationary part because its the outer section of ceiling fan that revolves. It might be its stator and the supposedly stator is its rotor.I removed the old magnetic wire that is wounded inside in the middle part and replaced it with bigger gauge of wire. The magnetic wire that I used was AWG 21. I wounded 250 turns or until its as thick as its bobbin. The start of the wire was extended and will served as line one and the other end of the wound was also extended,served line two. the two extended wires are then connected to the bridge type rectifier. A rectifier is a circuit composed of diode/s that converts alternating current to direct current. The output of this generator is always alternating current I used rectifier to convert it to DC/ direct current so I could connect it to battery for storing its output energy. ​​
Stator in the middle,it is composed of tooth like iron core inside of it is its windings and rotor outside,rotor is composed of magnets.​On the right image,its separated stator and rotor .
Stator disassembled and bobbin already wounded with bigger wire. On the left reassembled stator with extended two wire terminals.​
below is the video on how the whole thing works. thanks for reading this page.